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     Our Story

Get to know us!

Wellness for Women Massage is tailored to women.  We have a genuine concern for our clients and help them find a sense of wellness and respite from the daily grind of life.  If you experience chronic muscle tightness, pain, head aches or stress, we can help.


We support women and new moms as professional Doulas and Christine, as a Massage Therapist since 2008.  We provide women with the emotional and physical support they need in order to have a more comfortable pregnancy, informed birthing and supported postpartum experience.


You'll find us to be friendly, respectful and professional. 

Our goal is to help women to find their inner strength and feel empowered, safe, and supported. Whether you need a strong voice of encouragement or a quiet reminder to breathe, we serve as your sideline coach and cheerleader throughout your pregnancy, labor and postpartum journey. We provide evidence-based, non-judgmental support.  We feel honored to be able to share years of expertise with women and their families around the Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio area.


Want to know more? Simply get in touch to get started.

Meet the Team

We work together as a doula partnership; that means that if you choose to work with us, you draw from the unique experience and expertise of two doulas rather than just one. A partnership model also means that you can count on consistent, compassionate support from doulas who you personally chose in your hiring process, rather than from a backup doula you've never met or a team of doulas who were randomly assigned to you from an agency.

Our greatest desire is to walk alongside you and your family as you navigate the pregnancy year. We approach our work with a healthy dose of both head and heart, appreciating what modern medicine can teach us while honoring and trusting the birth process and your understanding of your own body. Our goal is for each client we work with to feel empowered and educated to make the decisions that are best for your birth and your baby. We are there to act as guides, providing evidence-based education, nonjudgmental emotional support, and a toolkit of physical tips and tricks, so that you can own your birth story and enter the next chapter of your life with clarity, confidence, and connection.

We would love to meet with you in a free, no strings attached initial consultation to learn more about how we could potentially support your growing family. You can schedule yours now simply by getting in touch with us.

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